We are always happy to help the Kenya national assembly and the government at large to engage in economic and policy areas, forge partnerships, build strong relationships, and benchmark with other governments across the globe as we aim towards fulfilling the Global SDGs in Kenya.
Last week we were honored to organize the visit of the Kenya Parliamentary committee to Nebraska to engage on Myriad of topics and particularly Economic Budgeting and Growth. Nebraska is an Agriculture state famously known for its efficiency at producing food hence the name, the Food Security State. It’s a state where the rest of the world can borrow vital skillset to efficiently and sustainably produce food and help increase the food supply chain across the world. And the benchmarking for the Kenya’s Parliamentary committees was crucial.
We have gained these skills through experience, innovation, research and development, and good ol’ Nebraska grit. – Laban, Eminence Global US Partner
Food Security is national Security. We are grateful to have leaders who understand the moments we are in as a country, Kenya and are comitted to fulfilling the The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which includes;
- No Poverty – End Poverty in all its forms
- Zero Hunger – End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
We thank the Governor of the state of Nebraska, H.E Jim Pillen, the 1st Secretary of the state, Bob Evnen, The State of Nebraska Senate, The Senate Appropriation Committee, and other high dignitaries and renowned businessmen of the state of Nebraska for hosting, breaking bread and engaging Budget & Appropriation committee and Public Debt & Privatization Committee Kenya in Vital matters, principally economic Budget and growth; Agriculture, Irrigation, Education and Trade.
The great hospitality shown to the Budget & Appropriation Committee and the Public Debt & Privatization Committee in Nebraska is a lifetime memory to cherish.
Special thanks to the national government of Kenya for entrusting Eminence Global PR Firm with this great mission.
No man is an Island. – John Donne, The seventeenth-century English Author
We learn from each other to attain our optimal level. Eminence Global is committed not only to see the growth of our country but also respective companies and organization across the country grow exponentially, through our efficient trade missions, Benchmarking Programs, Government to government attachments, trainings, matchmaking, investor relations, international trade relations and in marketing & introducing the best of kenya products to other countries. Get ahead of the rest – Email: projects@eminenceglobalpr.com
June Calendar: Kenya – Mauritius Trade Mission (5th – 9th June)
Key Topic: Strengthening Regional Value Chains ( Some of our Governors and Members of Parliament will be present)